Little Havens Childrens Hospice

Little Havens Children's Hospice provide respite breaks, symptom control and end-of-life care to youngsters not expected to reach adulthood because of a life-limiting or life-threatening condition. They are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to emergency referrals and also offer respite in a child's own home.
PMR Solutions are pleased to be able to offer volunteer Health & Safety advice as well as supporting the charity on a personal basis.

On 26th June 2011 Chris Stracey, a Director of the Company, will be completing a 10 mile bike ride around the Chelmsford Countryside with his wife, Amanda, and two daughters Hannah (16) and Emma (11). This has created a bit of a stir within the Hospice fundraising department as it is Chris and Amanda's 18th Wedding Anniversary on that date - a press release giving details of this is being arranged, as well as a photoshoot.
The Southend Standard article can be found by clicking here.
Further details on the event can be found by clicking here.
Chris's charity donation page can be found at www.justgiving.com/chris-stracey.