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Health & Safety

Whatever the size of your business, your duty as an employer to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is a responsibility you cannot avoid under any circumstances. However, we prefer to look at it like this: effective health and safety management equals efficiency in operation and a safe working environment for your valued workforce.
The key to creating this efficiency is effective management, and instilling this within a business is exactly what we aim to do at PMR Solutions. With our help, businesses are able to identify precisely where their responsibilities lie in connection to their particular level of risk, so they can focus only on the areas that are relevant.   

Armed with this understanding and insight, it becomes clear where costs can be reduced, and systems naturally become more efficient.
Why PMR Solutions?

We encourage our clients to look at health and safety from a positive point of view. Rather than a regulatory burden, why not see health and safety as offering a range of benefits?

That's precisely how we see it, and precisely how we work with our clients. Our aim is to improve efficiency, reduce risks and decrease costs within your business. With good health and safety management come a raft of advantages, including:
  • Lower employee absence
  • Greater employee retention
  • Fewer accidents
  • Lessened threat of legal action
  • Reduced costs
  • Mitigated risks
  • Improved standing amongst suppliers and partners
  • Enhanced corporate responsibility reputation
  • Improved likelihood of winning contracts
Working with PMR Solutions

Getting to know your business is the first step. Because the levels of risk different employers are exposed to can vary extensively, this is probably the most important stage.

he level of support your individual business requires will be determined, and we will work very closely with you to ascertain how you wish your health and safety programme to run.
Our aim is to find just the right balance so that our expertise complements your unique business operation.
Our Services: In a Nutshell

We offer the following health and safety services:


  • Independent audit of existing procedures
  • General safety advice and audits 
  • Fire safety audits
  • Fire Emergency Plans
  • Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Continuity
  • Contractor Competency Scheme Accreditation

 Risk Assessments 

 Policy Writing

  • Lone working 
  • Home working
  • Company cars, driving and mobile phones
  • Travel

 We also offer a ‘competent person' service which, for many businesses, allows them to manage an appropriate level of health and safety in-house. 

Did you know?
Did you know that a good health and safety strategy incorporates health screening of employees? This can lead to a happier and better motivated workforce, which in turn increases productivity.
How can we help you?
To learn more about how PMR Solutions can make a difference to your business with a professional outsourced health & safety consultancy service that has been trusted by businesses across Essex and London for several years, please get in touch.